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Beachside Bliss: British Columbia’s Top Backcountry Beach Camping Destinations

British Columbia (BC) is a province teeming with pristine wilderness, rugged coastline, and abundant natural beauty. With numerous opportunities for backcountry camping on or near the beach, it offers a unique blend of adventure, tranquillity, and direct communion with nature. Below are some top backcountry camping destinations for those who yearn to sleep by the shore.

Raft Cove Provincial Park


Getting There: Located on the northwest coast of Vancouver Island, you can reach Raft Cove by a ferry ride from Vancouver to Port Hardy, followed by a drive along Holberg Road. A 2km trail from the parking lot leads to the beach.

What to Do: This remote destination is a haven for surfing, wildlife viewing, and fishing. Explore the dense forest trails surrounding the beach or venture into tidal pools rich with marine life. Don’t forget your camera to capture the stunning sunset vistas from your beachside camp.

Mystic Beach, Juan de Fuca Provincial Park


Getting There: Mystic Beach is a two-hour drive from Victoria along Highway 14. Once at the Juan de Fuca Provincial Park, there’s a well-marked 2km trail leading directly to the beach.

What to Do: Mystic Beach is famous for its waterfall cascading directly onto the beach. Hike along the scenic Juan de Fuca Marine Trail, watch for whales in the distance, or hunt for the perfect seashell as a memento of your visit.

Cape Scott Provincial Park

Getting There: Reach Port Hardy via ferry or a flight from Vancouver. From Port Hardy, it’s about a 64km drive along a gravel road. You’ll then need to hike to your chosen camping spot; for example, Nels Bight is about a 17km trek from the trailhead.

What to Do: Marvel at the old-growth forest along the Cape Scott Trail. Visit the Cape Scott Lighthouse for panoramic views of the Pacific and possible whale sightings. Or simply enjoy the solitude of this remote wilderness area.

West Coast Trail


Getting There: Reach the West Coast Trail via ferry or flight to Vancouver Island, then a drive or bus to Bamfield, Port Renfrew, or Nitinat Narrows. Plan your transportation as the trail is linear, not looped.

What To Do: The trail offers a physically demanding, multi-day hike through old-growth forests and along stunning beaches. Enjoy beach camping, wildlife viewing, and breathtaking coastal vistas.

Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve


Getting There: Access to this remote reserve is primarily by boat or seaplane, with services departing from Queen Charlotte City. It’s recommended to take a guided tour or charter, as the area can be challenging to navigate.

What to Do: Gwaii Haanas is rich in indigenous Haida culture, and you can explore ancient village sites, totem poles, and the Heritage Site of SGang Gwaay. Kayaking, wildlife watching, and fishing are also popular.

Each of these destinations offers a unique beach camping experience, from the solitude of Raft Cove to the cultural richness of Gwaii Haanas. Whichever you choose, remember to respect the environment by adhering to Leave No Trace principles, ensuring these beautiful sites remain pristine for future generations.

When packing, don’t forget essentials like a tide chart for coastal areas, and bear-safe food storage for remote locations, and always check the local regulations, campfire bans, and any alerts before you set out. With the right preparation, backcountry beach camping in British Columbia offers an unforgettable connection with nature and a unique insight into Canada’s diverse and stunning landscapes.

Practical Tips and Considerations
When planning your beach camping trip, it’s essential to consider the unpredictability of the coastal climate. Pack layered clothing to accommodate sudden weather changes and ensure your tent and other camping gear are suitable for diverse conditions.

In more remote areas, such as Gwaii Haanas or Cape Scott, be prepared for potential wildlife encounters. Learn about the local wildlife and how to respond to encounters with animals like bears, cougars, or wolves. Also, remember to store your food and scented items in a bear-resistant container or hang it at least four metres off the ground and two metres away from tree trunks.

Final Thoughts
Exploring British Columbia’s wilderness provides an adventure filled with breathtaking vistas, diverse ecosystems, and abundant wildlife. Camping on or near the beach only enhances the experience, marrying the soothing rhythms of the sea with the serenity of the wilderness.

By choosing to embark on this journey, you’re not only signing up for an adventure but also agreeing to be a steward of these magnificent landscapes. Respect the rules, protect the environment, and most importantly, take the time to soak in the incredible beauty and tranquillity that these locations offer.

Whether you’re lured by the allure of remote coastal coves, charmed by the tranquillity of a lake set against a mountain backdrop, or enthralled by the cultural and historical richness of an area, backcountry beach camping in British Columbia is a rewarding and enriching experience. It’s a journey of discovery, a testament to nature’s splendor, and a genuine, unmatched encounter with the wild.

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