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KEEN APhlex Boot Launch on the Bruce Trail

A guided hike on the Bruce Trail and a test run of the new APhlex waterproof boot by KEEN.

KEEN APhlex Boot Launch on the Bruce Trail

Reporter Chris spent a beautiful fall day exploring a stretch of the Bruce Trail near Waterdown, ON with the good folks from KEEN Canada as they launched their new APhlex hiking boots.

A guided hike with a Bruce Trail Conservancy staff ecologist was a great way to see a bit of this remarkable 900km resource for the people of Ontario. It was also a rugged way to test brand new APhlex waterproof boots. A fun trailside workout with Melissa Hetu from highlighted the hike.

It was a happy and hungry group that made our way to the Shawn and Ed Brewery in Dundas, ON for craft beer tasting and pizza. Even there. everyone kept their new boots on, a strong endorsement of the comfort of the APhlex after a couple hours on the trail with no time to break them in.

You can check out the APhlex for yourself at:

And be sure to plan your own Bruce Trail experience at:

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